Each church must decide for itself what differences over the meaning of scripture to tolerate, and what is a matter for separation. Do not accept that figures in the early parts of the Book of Genesis were exclusively mythical; they undoubtedly have archetypal features but they were regarded as flesh and blood by Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul, and how can a mythical figure beget flesh-and-blood ones in the genealogies? It is important also to believe that the Law of Moses was given on the way to the Promised Land, not partly after Old Testament prophets had complained that Israel was failing to keep it. Separation should not be necessary, however, over the Calvinist or Arminian view of justification (what difference does it make to what believer or unbeliever should do?), or how Jesus Christ is fully divine and fully human (the Bible is clear only that he is both), or how the Holy Spirit’s divinity is related to God the Father and God the Son. These things have all caused schism, but they make no difference to Christian living. The scandal of schism between denominations does not arise with the housechurch format.
We recommend the following summary, or creed, of the Christian faith.
A Christian places his or her faith in Jesus Christ, the divine son of the creator of the world and the human race, yet also a man born 2000 years ago to a virgin in Israel; he grew up in Nazareth, let himself be crucified as a sacrifice for people’s sins, died on the cross, came back to life and rose to heaven – one day to return in power and set the world aright, and to judge all who have lived. He loves his church.
Unity among Christians is in the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4), and in belief that the Bible is uniquely God’s written word for the church. The more Christians of differing denominations who meet to study it, the better.